The inferior vena cava (IVC) residing in the abdomen is the largest blood vessel in the body and is formed by the joining of the left and right iliac veins that return deoxygenated blood back to the heart and lungs. To evaluate the IVC for blood clots or other abnormalities, the technologist will pass a risk-free, painless non-invasive ultrasound transducer (probe or wand) over your upper and lower abdomen to evaluate the size of the IVC and assess the blood flow within. Learn more here.
- Risk of blood clots (deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, etc.)
- Evaluation of venous insufficiency or varicose veins
- Monitoring of venous stents
Patient Preparation
Patients should fast for 6-8 hours prior to their exam. However, patients should take current medications as usual with a small sip of water.