IAC accreditation is essential to ensure the best possible quality of service. If a company doesn’t have IAC accreditation, it can harm your reputation, making it difficult to attract clients and successfully run your business in the future. But suppose you partner with an IAC-accredited laboratory. In that case, you’re partnering with high-quality professionals who will always be available to help you with any questions or concerns you might have along the way—and who will get back to you quickly when called upon to do so.

Accreditation ensures equipment quality
IAC is an international, independent organization that sets standards and quality benchmarks in the medical diagnostic industry. It allows laboratories like ours to show that they have met specific requirements, such as using a defined protocol to set up and calibrate equipment while maintaining high-quality workmanship in testing samples. In addition to meeting particular criteria before labs can receive accreditation, they are subject to on-site inspections at random intervals throughout their tenure with IAC, typically lasting five years.
Accreditation ensures the technical competency of staff
One indicator of an organization’s ability to meet our high standards is that it has undergone and passed a rigorous review by an independent body. The tests administered and interpreted at Texas IV Labs are accredited by the Intersocietal Accrediting Committee (IAC), a leader in the accreditation industry and sets many necessary national standards for laboratories. Without accreditation, your laboratory may be using equipment or staff without any oversight from outside agencies.
Accreditation means confidence in your facility
Accreditation is essential for all laboratories, but it can be precious in vascular laboratories due to the delicate nature of blood vessels and tissue. For these kinds of tests, the lab must have a long track record in accurate and safe testing and highly-trained staff to deal with potential complications.
Accreditation makes for a happier patient experience
IAC-accredited facilities and their staff must adhere to standards and best practices in safety, infection control, patient comfort, and satisfaction. When you go to an IAC-accredited facility, you can be assured that your physician or technician has undergone a rigorous education process, is well informed on the latest treatment options, and is equipped with knowledge about potential complications. There will always be risks inherent in medical testing, but choosing an accredited facility increases the likelihood of a successful outcome.
Accreditation builds an image
Earning accreditation is about building an image that the healthcare community associates with excellence in the quality of your lab. The IAC standards are rigorously monitored and adhered to by lab managers, technologists, and medical staff. This helps build public trust in our labs while ensuring they are up-to-date with the newest testing innovations.
Accreditation improves marketing opportunities
While being accredited can mean better marketing opportunities, your patients are getting access to accurate and safe care. Accredited facilities undergo rigorous vetting to ensure they meet strict criteria covering everything from safety and quality equipment to patient satisfaction and outcomes. This assessment guarantees your patients are receiving the most comprehensive testing that is both accurate and safe in every way. Let’s take a look at why this is so important.
Accreditation helps with employee retention
Employees working in an accredited facility enjoy the benefits of IAC certification. The promise that ASCLS has made with VEEC to provide this service is a significant step in ensuring labs achieve national-recognized standards. It promotes quality, enables employers to demonstrate commitment to safe, best practices, and helps attract and retain qualified staff. In turn, the result is a safer healthcare environment for everyone.
Accredited labs maintain their competitive edge
Unlike other tests, such as PET-CT or MRI, that can be administered in many locations, these specialized tests should be handled only by certified professionals. For labs that are not accredited, there is a greater risk of misdiagnosis, unnecessary surgeries, and even wrongful death. If an emergency arises and the vascular lab is not nearby, the patient will most likely be subjected to improper or delayed treatment.